The Cairn Terrier Club of America (CTCA) is a non-profit, preservationist, pure bred breed dog club. The CTCA is responsible for maintaining and preserving the original purpose and function of the Cairn Terrier, as well as protecting the breed from exploitation whether private or commercial.

Membership in a breed club offers many benefits, to both the breed and to club members. A club offers a venue in which dogs may be exhibited and judged according to the breed standard. It offers club members an opportunity to keep up with the latest breed news and to learn from one another. The Cairn Terrier Club of America is a case in point.

We are a good resource for finding reputable and responsible breeders who are dedicated to preserving the original function and intent of the breed (hence a preservationist dog breed club). We also fund health research and support our regional clubs in their rescue efforts. We offer member mentoring to those who request it.

Membership in the CTCA is valuable because it brings people together who have an interest in Cairn Terriers. It gives members the opportunity to be mentored by long time breeders in many areas including Conformation, Performance and Junior Handling. But most important, our club helps ensure the welfare of future generations of Cairn Terriers.

There are many benefits to joining The Cairn Terrier Club of America. These include, but are not limited to:

  • Receiving our quarterly newsletter, The Highlander, filled with upcoming events, health information, training tips, conformation and performance articles, new litters and puppies, personal stories, and photos of Cairns.
  • Receiving our annual yearbook packed with pedigree and member information.
  • Becoming eligible for CTCA awards presented at the annual membership banquet.
  • Receiving periodic Club emails and mailings throughout the year and access to the members-only section of the website.
  • Voting for officers and judges.
  • Joining the Breeders’ Referral list (when qualified)
  • Organizing and participating in Performance and Conformation events.

Responsibilities of Membership

  • Volunteering and involvement in Club activities
  • Supporting Cairn Terrier health studies, through participation in health screening and voluntary monetary contributions
  • Demonstrating good sportsmanship at all AKC and CTCA sponsored activities
  • Adhering to the Constitution and Bylaws of the CTCA

CTCA Membership Policies

Membership Policy

The objectives of the Cairn Terrier Club of America are to encourage and promote quality in the purebred breeding of the old working terrier of Skye and the West Highlands now known as the Cairn Terrier and to do all possible to bring their natural qualities to perfection; to encourage the organization of independent local Cairn Terrier Specialty clubs in those localities where there are sufficient fanciers of the breed to meet the requirements of the American Kennel Club; to urge members and breeders to accept the standard of the breed as defined by the Cairn Terrier Club of America and approved by the American Kennel Club as the only standard of excellence by which Cairn Terriers shall be judged; to do all in its power to protect and advance the interests of the breed and to encourage sportsmanlike competition at conformation dog shows, companion and performance events; and to conduct sweepstakes, specialty shows, and companion and performance tests and trials under the rules of the American Kennel Club.

The Cairn Terrier Club of America recognizes the importance of educating and encouraging new fanciers of the Cairn Terrier, therefore membership is open to fanciers who have demonstrated an interest in the Cairn Terrier, who are in good standing with the American Kennel Club, subscribe to the objectives of the Cairn Terrier Club of America, and agree to abide by the Constitution and By-laws of the Cairn Terrier Club of America, its Code of Ethics, and the Rules of the American Kennel Club

Minimum Application Requirements

  • Applicants must document their direct involvement with the Cairn Terrier breed on their Application for Membership.
  • Applications must have attached the written endorsement of two Regular or Life member, in good standing, who meet the requirements for sponsorship, and who have known the applicant for a minimum of one (1) year OR have placed a Cairn Terrier of their breeding or ownership with the applicant. NOTE: Foreign (non-U.S.) applicants must have at least one U.S. sponsor.
  • It is the responsibility of the applicant to forward the properly completed Application for Membership and two Sponsorship Endorsements to the Membership Committee Chair of the Cairn Terrier Club of America.
  • Anyone who sells dogs to commercial outlets or via the web will not be considered for membership.
  • Applicants between the ages of 9 and 17 may be admitted as Junior Members, but cannot become Regular Members until they reach the age of 18.

Sponsorship Requirements

  • Sponsors shall have been Regular or Life Members of the Cairn Terrier Club of America, in good standing, for at least two (2) years, and have known the applicant for a minimum of one (1) year OR have placed a Cairn Terrier of their breeding or ownership with the applicant. Sponsors are allowed to sponsor a maximum of two applicants per calendar year.  
  • New members will be eligible to be listed on the breeder referral page on the CTCA website when they have been a member in good standing of the CTCA for 2 years.
  • By sponsoring membership applications, Cairn Terrier Club of America members attest to their personal knowledge of the applicant, including his or her interest in the breed, sportsmanship, and ethical conduct
  • Officers and Board members may sign sponsorship endorsements during their term of office, but may not vote on membership applications for the persons they sponsor

Application Procedure

  • The Membership Committee Chair will acknowledge all applications upon receipt.
  • The correct membership fee must accompany each application. If an application for membership is returned or the applicant is not admitted to membership, the membership fee shall be refunded.
  • The Membership Committee will review all applications for compliance with application and sponsorship requirements. The Membership Committee, with explanation, will return incomplete applications and those not meeting the requirements to the applicant within 30 days of receipt. Applications meeting requirements will be presented to the Board of Governors as soon as possible via online posting to the BOG list. The applications will be posted to the CTCA website on the last day of each month.
  • The candidate’s name, along with the two sponsors, will then be included in the official emailed bulletin and posted on the CTCA website on the homepage of the Member Login and shall state the deadline for submission of written communications to the Board (30 days) on the qualifications and ethical conduct of the individual applying. After this period of time, the Board can vote on acceptance of the applicant at the next scheduled meeting of the Board or at a Special Meeting of the Board.
  • Written comments regarding applicants will be considered confidential communications to the Board. However, members will be informed that copies of written comments on an individual applicant will be made available to that applicant immediately upon written request by the applicant.
  • No follow-up or “second” letters from an applicant’s sponsors will be required. However, the withdrawal of endorsement by a sponsor prior to a final vote of the Board of Governors on an applicant’s admission to membership renders the application void, and the applicant must reapply.
  • The Board’s meeting agenda will include the consideration of all timely filed and properly sponsored membership applications, together with all members’ comments and the Report of the Membership Committee.
  • An applicant who receives the necessary number of votes at the Board meeting (2/3 of the Board members present) is automatically admitted to membership
  • An applicant who does not receive the necessary number of votes for admission to membership may be presented by one of the applicant's endorsers (sponsors) at the next meeting of the Board of Governors. The Board may declare the applicant elected upon receipt of affirmative votes from two-thirds (2/3) of the Governors present. Votes will be by secret ballot cast in-person, by first-class or express mail, email or fax.
  • Robert’s Rules of Order will apply to consideration of applicants for election to membership.

Board Voting Procedures and Policies

  • In consideration of membership applications, it is the policy of the Board of Governors and the CTCA not to discriminate against any applicant on the basis of the applicants’ race, sex, age, national origin or sexual preference.
  • All votes on the admission to membership shall be by secret ballot at face to face meetings or by confidential email ballot to the recording secretary at telephone meetings. Board members who have sponsored an applicant must abstain from voting.
  • Each Board member will vote on the basis of whether, in the opinion of that Board member, the applicant under consideration has a demonstrated interest in the Cairn Terrier breed, and meets the high standards of ethical and personal conduct set for CTCA membership.
  • An applicant who does not receive approval by 2/3rds of the Board members present at the meeting will be advised only that: (a) he or she has not received the required number of affirmative Board votes necessary for admission to membership; and (b) that the applicant’s name may be presented for election to membership by the CTCA Board of Governors present at the next meeting.
  • Board meeting discussions on individual applicants for membership are confidential communications among the members of the Board of Governors, and shall not be disclosed either to applicants or to third parties.
  • All written communications by individual members to the Board regarding the qualifications and ethical conduct of membership applicants are considered confidential communications. However, the Board will provide an applicant with copies of written communications relating to his or her application immediately upon written request by the applicant.
  • All written communications received by the Board regarding an application will be retained as part of the Recording Secretary’s permanent file on the applicant.

Approved: 3.14.2018