Important 2024 National Specialty DeadlinesRead More
The deadline for room reservations at the Lansdale Holiday Inn (215-368-3800) Is Wednesday, September 12th. Get your reservations in ASAP. Also, Sunday, September 29th is the deadline for reservations for the Awards banquet on Friday, October 4th and the Meet and Greet banquet on Thursday October 3rd. The food and fellowship at these events is very inviting. You will have a wonderful time just being a part of festivities.
Also, we need for volunteers to assist Cathy Burleson and Kelli Winkler man the Ways and Means areas at the Host hotel and at Macungie. Interested individuals are to contact Cathy or Kelli.
The Cairn Terrier Club of America is a preservationist breed club dedicated to encouraging and promoting quality in the purebred breeding of the old working terrier of Skye and the West Highlands, now known as the Cairn Terrier.
Membership Benefits include:
Mentoring in a variety of activities
Receiving publications such as The Highlander newsletter
Voting for club officers and show judges
Supporting the preservation of the Cairn Terrier
A gratis copy of the CTCA Illustrated Guide to the Cairn Terrier which is essential to interpreting the breed standard